Can I Use the Patio Heater in My Garage?

You can only use a patio heater rated for indoor use in your garage. Outdoor patio heaters should never be used in any enclosed space like a tent, covered porch, room, or garage. Gas patio heaters, in particular, are dangerous and can result in life-threatening situations if used indoors or in a poorly ventilated space.


Is it Safe to Use the Patio Heater in My Garage?

Using an outdoor patio heater inside a garage is not safe at all. However, it depends on the patio heater you are using. While electric patio heaters can be the best choice for use inside a garage, gas patio heaters are the most troublesome for use indoors. Here we have described safety issues for every type of patio heater if used inside a garage. So check them thoroughly if you plan to use the patio heater inside the garage!

Propane patio heater:

Propane-fueled patio heaters are strictly prohibited from using under-covered places. As you already know, garages provide little space compared to outdoor ones. In addition, propane patio heaters produce smoke and toxic gases as a by-product of propane burning. So, if used in a small or no ventilated area, it will not only cause fire accidents but can also lead to death. Also, breathing problems, allergies, chest pain, and other problems may arise.

If you insist on using a propane patio heater inside the garage for extreme cold weather, keep the garage door open and operate a carbon monoxide alarm.

Natural gas patio heater:

Natural gas heaters work the same as propane; they produce carbon monoxide and toxic gases. Also, moving a natural gas heater is a challenging task. So, using a gas patio heater inside the garage or under covered spaces is not recommended.

Electric patio heater: 

The electric patio heater is the most suitable option under a garage. Infrared or standard electric patio heaters do not produce any harmful smoke; they do not need ventilation and have a shallow risk of catching fire. If you work a lot inside the garage or it’s a place for your hobby workshops, it’s best to install wall-mounted heaters in the garage. The heaters will act as lights and provide sufficient too. Hanging lamp-type patio heaters are alright at all, they will give an aesthetic look to the garage.

What are the Risks of Using a Patio Heater in the Garage?

A garage is an enclosed space, and we usually keep essential automobile parts, lubricants, and other flammable items inside. You may never imagine how much risk it poses if an outdoor patio heater is used without any precautionary or ventilation inside the garage. We have covered all the possible hazards that may take place below;

Carbon monoxide poisoning:

Using any gas patio heater without adequate ventilation will cause carbon monoxide to build up and cause suffocation, respiratory organ diseases, nausea, vomiting, etc. Carbon monoxide hinders the oxygen flow inside the brain, and as a result, it can cause death.

Fire disaster:

As we have already mentioned, there are usually flammable items like lubricants, fuel, or automobile or electric parts inside a garage. If in any possible way the gas patio heater tips over, it will catch fire and can blow over the whole house and property.

Gas leakage: 

Gas or propane heaters may have any leakage in the hose or around the regulator. Keeping the gas cylinder inside a garage is dangerous. So if you are not careful enough, the gas leakage may cause massive accidents.

Overheating problem:

If you use an electric heater with keeping doors closed, the garage may get overheated and cause it to start the fire on its own. So, buying a patio heater with overheating control is the best choice.

Other than these risks, putting anything flammable too close to the patio heater or putting the patio heater in an even place or on wooden surfaces or carpets may cause many problems.

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propane patio heater image

Are Propane Patio Heaters Safe to Use in a Garage?

Propane patio heaters are unsafe to use inside a garage or under covered places. Furthermore, the patio heater’s by-product of poisonous gases can cause serious health problems, if not death. Garages have no ventilation if the door is closed, and even if you keep the doors open, it may help you keep the place ventilated. 

Propane space heaters are rated safe indoors; you can use them instead of a patio heater. However, if you use any gas or oil-run heating system inside the garage, install a carbon monoxide alarm in the garage facility. Also, always open the doors and keep all sorts of flammable items away from the patio heater. Finally, put the patio heater on a non-flammable surface.


What Types of Heaters are Safe to Use in the Garage?

You can safely use infrared electric patio heaters, convection heaters, and space heaters inside a garage. Heaters that do not emit poisonous gas or cause real fire are usually safer under covered places.

Infrared electric patio heater:

The safest type of heater among different patio heaters, infrared electric patio heaters are very popular with their radiant heating. In addition, electric patio heaters are equipped with modern features, such as a timer, wi-fi control, remote control, overheat protection, etc.

Convection heater:

These types of heaters are also called electric heaters, but they follow a particular style of heat production. Though a convection heater is not a good option for outdoor heating, it can come in handy when you need to heat the indoors.

Space heaters:

Space heaters are usually suitable for indoor or under-covered porch usage. They are rated safe for indoor use. Space heaters may run on propane, kerosene, or electricity, but they are safe under the garage.

How Much Ventilation do we Need for a Propane Heater?

For the United State Government, at least a 6 ft outside air opening should be around the propane patio heater. And you should maintain a three feet distance with all sorts of flammable items from your propane patio heater.

Final Verdict

Many of us enjoy the time in the garage doing workshops or creative work, and these lovely times must be stress-free and safe if you are planning to warm up the garage while diving into your favorite job, install an electric patio heater or a space heater, which are the safest option for indoor heating. Though Gas patio heaters can be used with adequate ventilation, they pose a significant risk.


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