What is Spiral Flame Patio Heater? How does it work?

A spiral flame patio heater is a nice piece of heating equipment with a beautiful spiral-shaped flame and ambient heating, just like other patio heaters. Aesthetic-loving and sophisticated-minded people often love to decorate the backyard or patio with a spiral flame patio heater. This write-up will give you a


What is a Spiral Flame Patio Heater?

A spiral flame patio heater is a propane or gas-powered patio that provides a nice spiral dancing flame. The flames come in a spiral, where the burner has six holes to form a friendly spiral wave. The spiral flame patio heater is powered mainly by propane and has a pyramid or standing shape with a protective glass tube.

How does it Work?

The spiral flame patio heater’s primary mechanism is similar to a propane or gas-powered patio heater, where the fuel is burned, the produced flame provides the heat, and with the help of a reflector, the heat is spread around. The burner has six holes with a copper tube for a spiral-shaped fire. 

The pilot has a regulator and on/ off switch, with a thermocouple for safe operation. The thermocouple will shut off the fuel supply if there’s a safety issue, and the burner is smaller and usually round in shape. The spiral-shaped patio heater is nothing different than usual propane or gas portable patio heaters; however, the astonishing dancing flame production is what sets it apart.

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Is it Pricy? What are the Average Prices?

Spiral-flame patio heaters can be found in a variety of prices and qualities. The price usually starts at 90 dollars and can go up to 590 dollars. It all depends on where you buy it from and the quality and performance you want.

On average, a spiral or dancing flame patio heater costs around 280 dollars in online and local markets.

 Brands such as Firesense, Lausiant, Mason, Tiki, and others can be recommended for satisfactory performance and quality.

Final Verdict

If you are a backyard-loving person and enjoy buying fine accessories and collectibles for the patio, then a spiral flame patio heater is perfect. But remember, you can only use it on a covered porch or indoors. Also, it would be tough to buy a quality spiral-flame patio heater; you should plan to have a budget of at least 200$. Finally, remember that the spiral flame patio heater has the same safety risks as all propane heaters.


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