How to Put Out a Wood-Burning/Propane Fire Pit?

For a wood-burning fire pit, it is strongly advised to let the wood burn entirely and, if possible, ash. You may also use a shovel or a stick to spread the last pieces of wood to make this operation easier. If it is propane powered, turning off the fuel, covering it with a snuffer, or extinguishing the flames are all options.


Practical Tips to Put Out Fire in a Fire Pit

On a fantastic chilly night, there is nothing better than gathering around the fire pit with loved ones. Enjoying the refreshing night air in the comfort of your yard is hard to top. But, first, ensure the fire in your pit is entirely out before walking indoors. Having a fire burning in your home while you sleep is quite risky. Putting to fire may seem easy, but this sole task plays a significant role in your safety. 

Some tips to put out a fire in a fire pit safely:

1. Learn how to put out a fire

Take utmost caution if you love using a fire pit in your backyard since carelessness might lead to burns and property damage. Read on for advice on how to extinguish a fire in a fire pit the right way, even if you do not have access to water, and for other helpful fire safety advice.

2. Be patient

Putting out the fire must be done in perfect surveillance, and you must not hurry. Unfortunately, many people do not check well if the embers are out or still burning and put the lid on it, which lead to much-unpredicted fire disaster. You must recheck the burnt fuel residual for the wood-bring fire pit and check the switch or power connecting line for gas fire pits.

3. Cutting off the fuel connection

It is better to cut off the fuel connection entirely in case of gas fire pits. It is better for kids who do not know about safety precautions but may turn the fire pit on in your absence. Also, if there is a leakage, cutting off the power line will prevent gas explosion.

4. Keep a fire extinguisher, sand, and water nearby

This is a primary safe practice while using the fire pit. A fire extinguisher, sand, or water may come in handy for an uncontrolled fire.

How to Put Out Fire from Wood Burning Fire Pit?

Putting out the fire is different based on the fuel type you use. Here we have provided step-by-step guidance to putting out the fire both with water and without waterways;

Put out the fire using water:

STEP 1: Stop throwing new firewoods on the fire

Planning is the first step in extinguishing your fire pit efficiently. Stop adding new wood or fuel to the fire about an hour before you want to put it out. If you’re going to put out the fire immediately, remove the wood from the fire and cover it with ash to prevent it from rekindling.

STEP 2: Allow the blaze to go out naturally

Now, let the fire go down completely, do not let the fire’s embers land on anything you touch, and avoid using your bare hands. Keep in mind that the color of the wood or coal does not necessarily indicate the heat level; it might still be quite hot even if it is not red. For best results, wait until the fire is entirely out before proceeding.

STEP 3: Extinguish the fire using water.

If you wish to put out the fire on your own, you can use a bucket of water or a garden hose. A straight flow of water might ignite sparks, so if you can, use a hose. Keep your distance from the flames while you douse the fire with water. The water near the flames will transform into boiling steam, which can cause serious injury. You must keep pouring water in until you no longer hear these noises. Remember to soak all the ash with water, even if it isn’t blazing red. 

STEP 4: Toss the embers and ash around

The next step after dousing your fire with water is to stir the ash and embers using a shovel. Again, taking a good look and ensuring everything gets wet is essential.

STEP 5: Check the fire pit bowl again

Verify that everything has cooled down completely. Again, it would help if you did not speed through this process since doing so increases the risk of missing any lingering embers. Carefully ensure that everything is cool to the touch before leaving it alone. When you are confident that the fire is out, it is time to look around for any embers or ashes that may have escaped the pit. To prevent rust in your fire pit, remove the ashes once they have cooled.

How to Put out the Fire Without Water:

Rusting is a problematic factor that no one wants in their fire pit. So, extinguishing the fire without water is a preferable option. Follow the step 1 and 2 mentioned above, then in place of water, use these;

Sand or Dirt:

The sand and soil approach is the best option if you have a metal fire pit and intend to use it yearly. Avoid using water with a metal fire pit since this may cause the cavity to corrode if the water is kept there.

Fires that have calmed out can be extinguished with dust or sand. First, put out your fire by shoveling dry sand or soil into your pit. The next step is to mix it with the ash to extinguish any lingering flames. Before leaving the pit, ensure the fire is out and the area is secure.

You may also utilize the ash from the fire if you do not have any sand or soil on hand. Remember that while this will extinguish any fires, it will not cool the area.

Apply Fire Extinguisher:

If a fire breaks out or you are in a hurry, you can use an extinguisher to put it out. Most fire extinguishers come with usage guidelines written directly on the container.


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Here is a Simple Guideline on Using the Fire Extinguisher:

  1. Pull the pin.
  2. Direct the nozzle or hose toward the fire’s foundation. Again, keep your hands off the horn.
  3. Begin dispensing the extinguishing chemical by squeezing the handle.

How to Put Out Fire in a Propane Fire Pit?

In the case of gas fire pits, putting to fire is more straightforward and hassle-free than a wood-burning fire pit. Here is a step-by-step guideline on putting out the fire in a propane fire pit;

STEP 1: Check the fire pit surrounding and wrap up

If you are ready to put out the fire, check the surroundings to see if there is any marshmallow stick or any cooking material on the fire. 

STEP 2: Turn it off

Using the radiator dial or button, turn off the fuel line, and the fire pit will be put down. Easy, isn’t it?

STEP 3: Let it cool down

If you have lava rocks or fire glass, wait for it to cool down. Also, if you plan to clean the fire pit, wait for it to cool down completely.

Should I Pour Water on Propane/Wood-Burning Fire Pit

It is not good to pour water into any fire pit. For metal fire pits, water in a metal fire pit can cause it to corrode; thus, it’s recommended not to use it with this kind of fire pit. In the case of gas fire pits, it will clog and make the fire pit malfunction. So, it is recommended not to use water without emergencies.

How to Put Out a Fire Pit Fast?

You can use a fire extinguisher or water to fasten the fire. But, in emergencies, using a fire extinguisher, water, or sand is a primary step. And it is essential to keep the products, as mentioned earlier, nearby while using a fire pit.

Will a Fire Go Out by Itself?

Yes, it will, but it is better to put the fire on your own for better safety. The term “burning itself out” describes what happens to a fire when it either runs out of fuel or oxygen, rendering further combustion impossible.

If you think the fire will burn itself out and leave it, the embers may fly and catch any overhanging tree branches or dry grass, leading to a fire disaster.

Final Thoughts

A fire pit is quite enjoyable, and it provides quality time for you and your family, so taking care of safety precautions while putting out the fire is necessary for the lives and resources associated with you.


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