Can You Burn Motor Oil in a Fire Pit?

The answer is ‘No.’ It would help if you never burn motor oil in a fire pit. Waste oil is hazardous to the environment. However, motor oil is not flammable and does not cause fire disasters. However, engine oils are poisonous, leaving your fire pit messy, stinky, and nasty. It will be harder to clean the fire pit.


Spillage of waste oils into the soil can alter the soil’s biological cycles. For example, when you burn motor oil, the particle gets messy with the ashes, and disposing of that ash plugs the pores between soil particles and impedes oxygen supply—the presence of used motor oils in the soil limits plant development. 

As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency imposed new limitations on the sale and burning of used oil. In addition, you should know that using such oil as fuel could lead to cancer and other serious diseases. Moreover, low-temperature burning of old oil can produce airborne contaminants that can enter people’s lungs and cause health problems. So, for your and your loved one’s safety, it is better not to use motor oil.

You can get a detailed list of what should you put and what should not in a fire pit here.

Can I Burn General Oil in a Fire Pit?

Using your fire pit to burn anything other than the fuel it was built for (wood, charcoal, or gas) is not a good idea. Burning oil can cause severe health problems and produce toxic substances. However, general oils can be used for particular purposes. 

Here is a list of different types of available oil used in the fire pits:

Fire Pit Maintenance:

It is recommended to put vegetable oil or cooking oil in the fire pit bowl to maintain a healthy lifespan of the fire pit. Putting oil also ensures good protection against rusting and makes it easier to clean the fire pit.


If you want your fire pit to spread some pleasant smell while you enjoy the warm fire, citronella oil can help you. You should pour citronella lamp fire or natural oil in small amounts. It would be better if you start by removing the fire pit’s cover and screen and setting one or more outdoor citronella oil lamps in the basin. 

For increased stability, place a layer of sand on the bottom of the fire pit before adding the lamps. Fill the citronella oil lamps with the amount of oil recommended by the manufacturer. Adjust the light wicks so that the flame is pleasant and noticeable. 

However, burning cherry woods, apple woods, and sandalwoods are fine for smell and aroma.

Pest control:

Some oil can help keep mosquitos and bugs away while enjoying the fire. Citronella oil, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, juniper berries, lemongrass, spearmint, and tea tree oil are some excellent essential oils that can keep mosquitoes and bugs away from your house. Also, they will provide a warm, pleasant smell.

Safety Tips for Burning Oil in a Fire Pit

Though it is not good to burn oil in the fire pit, if you insist on burning fat in the fire pit, follow the below instructions;

  1. Always put the fire extinguishers, sand, and water nearby; hydrocarbon oil sometimes goes out of control.
  2. Use sand, paver, or lava rock base in the fire pit to prevent any accident or messy situation due to the oil.
  3. While using aromatic oil, ensure to use a little safe amount.
  4. If you intend to pour oil, pour it before starting the fire.
  5. Do not pour oil; while the fire is on, it may create sudden blazes and accidents.
  6. Use an ember or spark screen for overall safety.


We recommend you not use oil in the fire pit other than the aromatic or pest-out purposes. Because according to the environment protection agency, burning used fat causes severe diseases such as cancer and respiratory and lung problems, which is harmful to children and adults having heart or respiratory problems. 

Also, used oil will leave the fire pit messy and stinky with a foul odor that you can imagine, making cleaning difficult.


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