Portable vs. Fixed Patio Heater

Portability is always preferred for swift and smooth operations in different places; however, you might get surprised to know how many advantages a fixed patio heater has. Your requirements, space, home, and family members’ needs are your priorities when buying a patio heater for you. In this writing, we have covered different aspects of fixed and portable patio heaters and compared them for our reader’s convenience.

Portable vs Fixed Outdoor Heater:


Portable patio heater

Fixed patio heater


Less safe than the fixed type.

The safest type of fire pit.


Propane portable patio heater, Rechargeable patio heater

Gas patio heater, electric patio heater, wall-mounted or hanging parasol patio heater


Fully portable

Not portable or slightly mobile during not in operation

Ease of Use

Slight difficulty in usage

Very easy to use


A little bit challenging


Operation cost



Product price


Varies (cheap-expensive available)


Excellent performance

Adds nice ambiance


10-15 years

10-25 years

Weather- effect

It can be protected from effects.

It gets affected by weather easily.

Differences in Details:


Portable patio heaters usually have a standing or tabletop design, making them vulnerable to strong winds and other weather problems. For example, at extreme wind speeds of more than 10 miles per hour, a standing or portable patio heater will tip over and cause a severe fire disaster.

There are some other risks of gas leaking or the tank bursting out.

On the contrary, fixed patio heaters are firm if it’s on the ground. Hanging or wall-mounted patio heaters will have better stability, and tipping over is nearly impossible. Other than this, the standard electric patio heaters do not emit embers or smoke, which is also considered safe for health.


Understanding the types of portable and fixed designs is essential before buying a backyard patio heater. Portable patio heaters are mainly propane portable and rechargeable electric patio heaters.

On the other hand, electric patio heaters are fixed rather than mobile, as they need a constant electricity plug-in. Also, natural gas patio heaters tend to be fixed, as it requires a continuous connection of the natural gas line.


A portable patio heater wins in portability. You can even take them to different camps or BBQ parties. Also, you can place it wherever you want in the backyard or patio. At the same time, fixed patio heaters will lose this opportunity. Electric patio heaters’ portability is extended to the wire length they have. Therefore, you can call an electric patio heater portable if you have an electric connection.

patio heater power socket

Ease of Use:

Propane patio heaters fall in the category of portable patio heaters; gas and propane heaters are usually hard to use due to their complex mechanism. However, better understanding the manufacturer’s instructions and listening to the seller’s advice will help you use it easily. On the contrary, Electric patio heaters ( wall mounted, hanging) or fixed heaters are easy to operate. You need to have the remote or use the switch.


The fact of care mainly depends on fuel type, not on portability. For example, the propane or gas patio heater is challenging to maintain and requires regular cleaning. In comparison, electric patio heaters need easy cleaning and servicing.

Operation Cost:

A portable propane patio heater will always need more operation costs due to the propane tank refilling. While electric models, i.e., fixed styles, will cost electric bills according to the heat output it provides. If you are going for a propane heater, it’s best to buy an infrared propane heater, which significantly reduces the operation cost.

Product Price:

Propane patio heaters or fire features are always expensive compared to their alternatives. So, portable styles are a bit pricey. At the same time, all-electric patio heaters are cheap and affordable. Gas patio heaters are also a bit less expensive than propane styles.


Aesthetics ultimately depends on your taste.

Fixed patio heaters are excellent collections for the patio. For example, a hanging lamp style or parasol electric heater is perfect for the gazebo, pergola, or covered porch. You can also use them under garden umbrellas. While portable patio heaters also have their nice share of aestheticism. A standing patio heater or mushroom head patio heater makes the patio more ambient and royal-looking.


The life span of a product entirely depends on how you take care of the product and maintain it. Usually, fixed patio heaters last more than portable patio heaters, as they need lesser maintenance, and also, due to less movement, they face fewer accidents or other encounters. 

Weather effects;

Portable patio heaters can not be operated under strong wind or rain; they can be stored inside the house. After you have finished using the heater, you can keep your portable heater inside or under a covered porch, So it will not get affected by harsh weather conditions or get rusted. On the contrary, fixed patio heaters, such as wall-mounted or hanging ones, may get easily wet due to splitting water of rain, and also they conduct dust and wind efficiently. Using a cover for a fixed gas patio heater is a must for weather effects.


Which One Should I Buy?

If you wish to have excellent heat output and use the heater in multiple places, then buying a propane or portable patio heater is a good choice. Remember, you will have to maintain and clean a portable patio heater more often than fixed or electric ones. Also, budget is an issue for running propane patio heaters for many people.

If you live in relatively warm areas and winters are not that freezing cold, you can go for a fixed patio heater; especially if you plan to have a heater under a gazebo, covered porch, or pergola. Also, electric patio heaters can be a good choice if you are on a tight budget.

Final Verdict:

Selecting between portable or fixed may seem easy to many people, as most of them will choose a portable option. However, the main priority is where you want to use the heating appliance. Before buying a patio heater, make sure you have checked all the factors mentioned above and read the manufacturer’s instructions for the product you choose.


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